March 2 – our annual oyster roast at the home of Macy and Greg Frampton. Details will follow, but mark your calendars now for a fun evening. March 4 – (5:30 pm) Women’s Winter Get-Together at the home of Melanie (and Robert) Hartnett – 1564 Palmers Bridge Road. Bring a salad or dessert or your favorite drink. Please RSVP to Melanie (843-670-1104) or Betty (843-437-7910) March 23Chapel of Ease Clean-Up – 9 AM March 24Palm/Passion Sunday – Holy Week begins March 28Maundy Thursday – 6:30 PM March 29Good Friday – Stations of the Cross -Noon March 30Prepare Chapel of Ease for Easter – 9 AM March 31Easter Sunday April 7Brick Church Clean-up and Decorate – 9AM April 8Brick Church Easter Service Vestry The Vestry has organized with the following individuals filling the positions indicated: Senior Warden - Doug Hurteau; Junior Warden - Ruthie Lacey; Treasurer - Larry Mellichamp; Secretary - Bill Bates; Fellowship - Patty Fulcher and Julie Gregorie; Brick Church Graveyard Committee - Robert Hopkins, Cheves Leland and George Geer
Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Dr. William L. Hills, provides communication through weekly emails about upcoming services and events. Contact the church office to be added to the email list and check the latest Newsletter.