See Current Newsletter
The Messenger - June 29, 2022
St. James-Santee Episcopal Church
A Weekly Newsletter to keep you informed on the happenings and events in the life of
St. James-Santee Church.
For this coming Sunday, July 3rd, 2022 – things you need to know:
- Inside service at the Chapel of Ease
- Masks are optional
- Independence Day Cookout and Celebration
The Collect
O God, you have taught us to keep all your commandments by loving you and our neighbor: Grant us the grace of your Holy Spirit, that we may be devoted to you with our whole heart, and united to one another with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Deuteronomy 10: 17 - 21
Psalm 145
Hebrews 11: 8 - 16
Matthew 5: 43 - 48
Carol Godsen
Leo and Carol
Altar: Patty Fulcher
Lector: David Stoney
Server: Larry Mellichamp
VOD: Bill Bates
Refreshments: Cookout
** Special note to Helping Hands members: If your name is listed above and you are unable to attend, please let
Carol know as soon as possible who your substitute will be. If you are unable to arrange a substitute, let Carol
know and she will find someone.
Birthdays in July Anniversaries in July
7/2 - Patty Fulcher None
7/10 - Amy Moore
7/12 - Cheves Leland
7/19 - Christopher Greyson Hopkins
7/19 - Chris Bates
7/29 - Diane Grayson
7/31 - Lee Anne Leland
7/31 - Janet Trent
** If you have a birthday or anniversary in July, please let us know so that we will be able to include everyone in the next
There will be an Independence Day Cookout after church this Sunday. Please see the Priest's Portion for details on this and other matters.
Dear Members and Friends of St. James Santee Episcopal Church,
THE GREAT “TREE PULLING PARTY”: Last Saturday, after saying a prayer for its long service of beautification of our Morrison House yard, a few hard workers began digging and cutting, and in short order, the little tree (actually a camellia, I'm told) was removed. Sadly, no one showed up to purchase it.
AFTER CHURCH INDEPENDENCE DAY PICNIC: We are going to have a Fourth of July Celebration and Picnic after church on July 3rd. Invite family and friends. We will have hotdogs and hamburgers, and picnic foods. Please bring a dish to contribute to the occasion. We will have patriotic music and singing and some readings from The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the Gettysburg Address. If you would like to read a part, please let Fr. Hills know.
July 4th Celebration at St James Santee (On Sunday July 3)
11:15 - (as soon as church service is over) Come to the Morrison House and yard. Bring
lawn chairs, bug spray, friends, family, guests.
Sign up to read a portion of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of
Rights, or Gettysburg Address
Place your chairs and fix a plate of food and drink
11:40 - Presentation of the flag and singind of "The Star Spangled Banner"
Readings from the historic documents
Conclude with a singing of "O beautiful for spacious skies"
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: New Wappetaw Presbyterian Church will be hosting the Bible School this year and we are committed to helping in every way possible. The “Food Truck” program is beginning to take shape. So far, Elizabeth Hills, Gwin Resch, Larry Mellichamp, Fr. Hills, and Ruthie Lacey have volunteered to help from our church. If you have a few hours and would like to help a little or a lot (teach, assist, food, cookies, etc.), please talk to Fr. Hills or Larry Mellichamp. VBS will be from 9-12, July 11 – 15.
Stay well! Be well! All good wishes to you and yours. Roy Hills +